Future Banker's Forum

Rules and Regulation

This banking forum is run by students of banking and finance, intended to provide resourceful and impactful content for banking enthusiasts. It is therefore necessary, as a member to agree to the rules to make this forum top notch (professional).

In order to post content on this forum, make sure you have done relevant research and have 500-600+ words of content ready.
1. SMS language is not permitted on the forum. Make sure the language is crisp, grammatically correct and no short forms are used.
2. No Copy of content from other sources. Write your original content; make sure it is not taken from other sources.
3. Use of abusive words, Foul language and indirect use of abusive language is strictly not permitted in this forum.
4. Please provide references and relevant permissions for every piece of picture/ video/ link reproduced from other websites.
5. NO marketing on the forum for any banking related classes/discounts/banks/offers. Even indirect marketing will not be approved by the moderator.
6. Sensitive discussions on politics, religion, caste and feminism will be strictly prohibited in the forum. This includes direct / indirect discussions also.
7. NO use of emoji / smiley.
8. Before you add comments, make sure they’re not one liner. The comments should be on point, should not have any spam advertisements and should respect the member.

I Agree